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Check out the latest edition of CST -- We're crease-free!

Article-Check out the latest edition of CST -- We're crease-free!

Key iconKey Points

  • Each month we plug you into rich media: surgical videos, blogs and podcasts.
  • We've tweaked our design to streamline your access to key info.

Teresa McNulty
WELCOME to the crease-free CST. Our trim, new size is briefcase sleek — just like you requested in our reader poll last summer... No more flopping over in magazine racks, we're more travel- and file-drawer friendly than ever.

We've also tweaked our design to streamline your access to key info. Our citations are right up front for ready reference and we point you to even more content-related articles online.

And don't forget our 360° Guide below! Each month, we plug you into rich media: surgical videos, blogs and podcasts you can subscribe to via iTunes — all directly related to cosmetic surgery technique, technology and the economic realities of running your practice.

For the ultimate in portability and know-how, be sure to sign up for both our monthly eNews and digital editions at

So, have a look (and a listen!) Tell us how we're doing and how CST can become your essential place — 'where the exchange on aesthetic perspective begins.'

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