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Providing a laser facial treatment that is completely novel in the space, the Fotona4D® protocol using the SP Dynamis ProTM dual wavelength laser system from Fotona (based in the U.S. and Europe) draws on many of the system’s unique capabilities to deliver an inside-out, non-invasive laser face lifting treatment that tightens and volumizes without injectables or any downtime. Proponents of the platform benefit from the unique laser engineering that has always been the focus of Fotona.
SP Dynamis Pro is highly regarded as a workhorse. Due to its wide spectrum of capabilities, it is ideal for emerging and traditional laser applications. “It is unique in the marketplace, combining multiple wave- lengths and technologies for modulating those wavelengths,” said Melissa Haloossim, NP, clinical director and co-founder of Skin Thesis in West Hollywood, Calif.
“With both 1064 nm Nd:YAG and 2940 nm Er:YAG, along with several different modes of delivery, we can treat ablatively, non- ablatively, or both, and adjust based on the individual needs of the patient. You can treat almost anybody.”
In addition to Quasi Continuous Wave mode (for more traditional ablation, resurfacing or lipolysis), two specialized modes are avail- able with the Nd:YAG wavelength. FRAC3® mode relies on a proprietary pulse structure uniquely designed to provide peaks or energy deposition in a treatment spot for a pseudofractional effect ideal for fractional therapies. On the other end, an ultra-long pulse setting named PIANO® mode is tailored for bulk dermal heating, to stimulate tightening and collagen remodeling.
The non-ablative Er:YAG wavelength can be used traditionally as well, but shines in SMOOTH® mode, a powerful but gentle long pulse that works nicely in the treatment of mucosal surfaces for intra-oral or vaginal applications. SupErficialTM mode with the Er:YAG provides a mild, superficial peel-like treatment that is a great capstone to any facial procedure.
Whether alone or in various combinations, these delivery modes provide the flexibility to do almost anything a laser might be called on to do in a clinical setting. For Ms. Haloossim, it was this versatility and adjustability that drew her to the device in the first place. Furthermore, in California it is mandated that – besides MDs – laser treatments must be performed exclusively by RNs, NPs or PAs, thus it is common to have these qualified personnel perform laser treatments in clinics.
As a matter of fact, Ms. Haloossim was recently featured in PEOPLE Magazine for her treatment of a high-profile client with the SP Dynamis Pro device. The popular Fotona4D technique featured in the article involves a sequence of four treatments using distinct modes and both wavelengths of the SP Dynamis Pro platform.
According to Ms. Haloossim, Fotona4D is a specialized synergistic, non-invasive facial rejuvenator unlike any other facial laser therapy. “Patients love it because it is safe and effective, but with low down- time. Nobody undergoes this treatment and leaves the clinic looking like a victim.”
Intraoral tightening is first performed with the Er:YAG in SMOOTH mode, followed by the Nd:YAG in FRAC3 mode as ablative fractional resurfacing to address pigment and laxity of facial skin. PIANO mode provides collagen remodeling via bulk heating of facial tissue, and treatment is concluded with a mild or moderate ‘peel’, based on patient tolerance for downtime, using SupErficialTM mode. The result is full thickness plumping, overall tightening and surface pigment reduction, which enhances the global facial appearance.
“We recommend three treatments, with additional sessions depending on age or skin condition,” Ms. Haloossim shared. “For those patients we may perform maintenance treatments with a different laser modality, then have them undergo another course of Fotona4D four to six months later.”
Fotona4D ‘lifting’ strongly appealed to Ms. Haloossim for what it could do for her clinic. “I wanted to do bulk heating, as well as address surface textural issues. It gives back that youthful glow patients felt they had five years ago.”
Having a variety of high-profile patients, Ms. Haloossim is sensitive to the needs of the visible, busy professional or celebrity, but emphasized that they have the same variety of aesthetic desires anyone else would have. She added that in Los Angeles people may be looking for the newest thing, but they also tend toward powerful, preventative treatments. “Like anyone, they want the most natural looking result achieved safely and without much downtime.”
“The adjustability of SP Dynamis Pro makes it useful for all skin types – and the Fotona4D treatment – with very little downtime,” Ms. Haloossim stated. “Patients may have flaky skin or be a little pink for a short time; nothing you can’t cover up, or where you’d have to hide for several days or weeks, but with that fantastic deep and superficial outcome.”
Indeed, the patient experience keeps them coming back for more – not just for Fotona4D, but other offerings as well. “In addition to manageable downtime, patient comfort is very attractive, as is the relative speed of treatment,” Ms. Haloossim shared. “But in the end, it is the effect on their sense of self and well-being. Patients come in saying that they look tired or worn out, and after treatment they report looking more vibrant and youthful.”
Furthermore, the device is well-suited to be combined with other modalities for superior global results that appeal to patients. “You can use this with a lot of the traditional treatments any clinic would offer, such as injectables,” Ms. Haloossim advised. “We seem to get great results joining Fotona4D with LED light treatment, which enhances the overall effect and promotes healing and neocollagenesis. It also ‘calms’ the skin. I’m one of those people who benefits from this in particular because I am pink after treatment. LED helped mitigate that effect for me and many of my patients.”
In Ms. Haloossim’s opinion, “SP Dynamis Pro is great for new practices because it does almost anything, including hair removal, skin tightening and many different ablative and non-ablative therapies, so you have a lot of options beyond Fotona4D. It inspires us to be creative in how we address the variety of patient issues. As long as we’re attentive to expectations management, patients are highly satisfied.”